Müllprojekt der Klassen 10


For the past few months we, the class 10b, have been dealing with the topic "The Blue Planet".

We were given articles to read, we listened to real-life radio interviews, read and heard about the "Bag Lady". She's this woman that fought against plastic and litter in her home town. The bag lady has made a change in our world. We learned that 80 per cent of all marine litter comes from land and 90 per cent of it is plastic. Millions of creatures die everyday because of plastic. Our teacher had a discussion with us about this problem and how it is affecting our own grounds, Egypt. Egypt is like any other country. Earth gave us butterflies, we gave it plastic bottles. It gave us abundance, we gave it waste. Earth is giving us a last chance, we can't give it anymore excuses. We knew we had to do something. What if we go around and pick up the garbage and the litter on the streets? That, of course, was a terrific idea. It is time for us to save our blue planet. - Abdelrahman 10b


Cleaning the streets - the experience

One of our classmates suggested that instead of just talking about the blue planet, we'd go around the school and pick up litter on the street to try and help the planet. We wanted to do it, but never really knew when. Mrs. Schenk suggested that we do it after the central exams, as we'd be too tired and exhausted after them, and we were too. Everyone had been stacking up all of the stress, and we were all drained. We were finally ready to go to the streets and pick up the trash, and also experience the issue we've been discussing in the lessons at first-hand. We first divided ourselves in groups of four, and each group was either focusing on plastic bottles, paper or general waste. Some groups were also in charge of filming or taking pictures. So we were ready to start our "mission" of making theworld a bit cleaner.

To be honest we expected to find lots of garbage, you know, water bottles and stuff. We also expected it to be kind of disgusting, and just not that fun. Others expected a fun time with friends, some expected a feeling of accomplishment after we were done, but we could all agree on the fact that we were looking forward to it and were excited about it. When we actually got out, it didn't seem like there was much trash, however, once we started picking up litter we realised just how much trash there is. It was dire. Right from the start we were able to find lots of litter on and next to the pavement, and all sorts of trash too, from plastic bags to eaten fruits. What was surprising is that we barely found any plastic bottles, as most of the waste was general waste. Something that went better than expected was that we weren't really disgusted by most of the garbage we found. We generally had lots of fun doing this while laughing and talking together. All in all this was a great experience, and writing about this was really fun too, however, there is another reason why I'm writing about this


Our main goal wasn't just to clean the streets ourselves, but to raise awareness too. We want to encourage all of you readers to do so as well. Try and help the environment, if only a little bit. If you're walking down the street, pick up that plastic bottle you found on the pavement and throw it in the nearest bin instead of just kicking it like you're Cristiano Ronaldo. Try and convince the teacher to do this as a class project with you just like we did, not only is it helpful, but it's really fun too!

-Samir 10b 



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