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Thank you for your support!

Dear parents

We would like to thank you again for your support and contribution towards our Uganda/Egypt project!
Clothes, shoes and medication have been distributed to the children of the two NGO’s we visited, many more things even stayed in Cairo and will be given by the SV to children in need.

All children in Uganda are sending a BIG THANK YOU to you and your children!

For a little impression of the circumstances we found, please have a look at the photos.

The first picture shows the slum we visited – yes, this is a place where children grow up and fight for survival!

The second photo shows some of the children proudly presenting their new clothes – smiling happily.

Gabi Pointner, Nicolette Rupp and Bjoern Schmidts

Fotos vom Frühlingsfest am 30.03.2012 und dem Märchennachmittag am 18.04.2012 finden sie in unserer Fotogalerie!

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